Friday, January 28, 2011

My Army Enlistment!

The day I enlisted in the Army was one of the most exciting days of my life. I enlisted as a 13B Field Artillery Cannon Crewmember out of Odessa, TX on Feb 9, 2000. The reason I decided to enlist in the Army was because I wanted to have a career/profession and not just a daily job. School was a huge factor and I was informed that the Army would pay for my schooling. My cousin, who at the time was a Specialist in the Army and is currently a 1st Sergeant,  gave me some great advice and told me that the Army would be nothing but great for me.

Talking to a recruiter was a little intimidating at first. I felt somewhat uncomfortable because everyone talked about how the recruiters lied just to get you in the Army. I found out quick that this was not true and made me feel much more comfortable. My recruiter who I will never forget his name Sgt. Barnes worked pretty quick to get me to MEPS after passing the ASVAB practice exam.  It was easy talking to him; he was very straightforward with answering the questions I had. He talked to me about what could be available, bonuses and what the Army had to offer. So I went up to MEPS to get my contract. I was very excited because I was to leave to basic training in 3 months.

Waiting for basic training was exciting but at the same time I was a bit nervous. I knew that it was not going to be easy, so I made sure I took the time I had before shipping out to physically prepare myself. I started running and working out to make sure I wasn’t totally out of shape. I did not learn any of the soldiers creed, military time, Army alphabet and all those modules because that I know of at the time I enlisted all this wasn’t available to future soldiers. I look back and I wish that we had all the cool programs and opportunities that future soldiers have these days. That is my Army enlistment experience I look back and realize how much it was when I enlisted. My advice to you is that you take the time before you leave to basic training to prepare yourself. Complete all the training handed to you by your recruiter as this will not only help you prepare for basic training but can also get you promoted. Good luck and welcome to the team! (lm) 

13B Field Artillery Cannon Crewmember