Friday, June 24, 2011

Where Is Your Heart?: by Future Soldier Spouse Shayna Hamm

Where Is Your Heart ? By : Shayna Hamm

Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you not with me.
Maybe in the country, most likely overseas.
Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you all I know.
He’s with all the other men sporting black and gold.
Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you I’m not sure.
Somewhere out there making sure our future is secure.
Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you all around.
His pictures, letters, clothes, keep me safe and sound.
Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you what I can.
He’s somewhere out there, in an unknown place, fighting for our land.
Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you with a man.
A man who serves his country, and does the best he can.
Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you coming home.
One day he’ll be back, and I won’t be so alone.
Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you standing tall.
With my Ranger, fighting strong, never will he fall.
Ask me where my heart is, I’ll tell you not with me.
But when he’s home, and we’re alone, I will be complete.

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