Thursday, July 14, 2011

Special Forces and Special Forces Support

To be a Green Beret and wear the Special Forces tab you have to go to through selection and pass the Q course.  Then you will be able to wear the beret and the tab.  But in Special Forces they have support roles too. 
To be a Special Forces Soldier you have to go through Selection.  Selection varies in times between 2 weeks to 3 weeks, either way the Special Forces Candidates will be pushing themselves hard to get selected.  After that they will have to pass: Airborne, SUT (Small Unit Tactics), Language, SERE (Survival, Evasion, Reconnaissance, and Escape), the MOS portion, then Robin Sage (final training exercise).  Special Forces Soldiers are some of the most professional soldiers.
In Special Forces units they need support as well.  They have all types of MOS’s there.  You can be intelligence, cook, finance, ext.  There are a few MOS’s that they do not have but they do have a lot of them.  I am a 35P Cryptologic Linguist, in a Special Forces unit.  You do have to be Airborne to support Special Forces units.  Also dependant on your MOS you will get to go to some other advanced MOS courses, advanced shooting courses, driving courses, ext.
They want you to have good training and to be a mature Soldier.  You will be supporting professional Soldiers, and representing the Special Forces and Special Operations community.  Whichever you decide to do, we are all in the fight together.


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