Thursday, December 8, 2011

Future Soldier John DeLima

School just wasn't for me. I wanted to work- I had no problem clocking in, doing my time, and clocking out. I tried a few semesters at community college and nothing clicked for me. I ended up getting a desk job and after three years the monotony got to me.

My cousin SFC Harris is the only other person in my family that is in the service and is currently doing her recruiting duty. She put my one buddy SPC Molloy into the service and he's currently a Ranger now. Between the two of them, seeing the transformation of a civilian to a Soldier is just inspiring. I had enough of civilian life and I told my cousin I wanted to be better. I wanted to do something honorable and I wanted to overcome a real challenge. I didn't want to be a loser anymore. The Army was the only path to take.

I contacted a recruiter on a Friday, by the following Friday- I signed my contract. It was the best day of my life thus far. Every single day that passes as a Future Soldier opens my eyes to more of what the Army has to offer me and I can't believe the chance I have now. I'm leaving in April to become a 35F and I couldn't be more excited.

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