Thursday, January 19, 2012

Future Soldier Krista Grove

My story begins 3 years ago when I was only 17 years old. I always knew I wanted to join the military, and more importantly the ARMY, HOOAH! I was 17 years old when I first enlisted to serve this country! I was scheduled to ship out to BCT at Fort Jackson September 24, 2008. Unfortunately, that was not the case because something came up unexpectedly. A week before I was supposed to report to BCT I found out that I was 8 weeks pregnant! I was so scared and had no idea what to do. I ignored my recruiter for 2 days until he came to my house and I finally told him what was going on. Thankfully I was discharged on a good note, and that is what brings me here today! I am now 20 years old, have a 2 year old son, Champ, and was able to obtain my associates degree in the 3 years I was not able to be in. I am finally shipping out to basic as PFC Grove the end of February 2012. It cannot come fast enough. I am ready to become all that I can be in the United States Army and have my dreams of becoming an Officer and making the Army a career.

1 comment:

  1. thats the same situation that i was in. i was depped into the navy in 2010 and found out i was pregnant about a month before i was supposed to leave. now i leave in march for the army =]
