Alex Pacific
Hi my name is Alex Pacific. My MOS is 19K (M1 ABRAMS ARMOR CREWMAN). My story starts roughly about a year ago I began to talk to my local recruiters about the Army. The thought spurred from my brother who is in the Army Reserves. Before this process however, I was lazy and unmotivated. For example, I stayed up till around 2:00 A.M. every morning playing online games with friends, listening to loud music, dodging homework assignments, and arguing with my parents. I never got out of the house or did anything physical. Also I did not have any plan for what I wanted to do after I got out of high school.The road I was taking was hazardous to my success, and at the time I still didn't care. I was a 14-month senior, and I was in panic mode trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. My brother came to talk to me about possibly joining the military. I had told him that it wasn't the thing for me. I had no physical strength whatsoever and that I had little work ethic. With his persistence he convinced me to talk with a recruiter.
I wanted to join as a reservist after the talk. I was concerned about what could happen if I went active; and I didn't want to commit myself to anything major beyond the point of being a Reservist. After a few talks with the recruiters I began thinking about what I was getting myself into, and possibly all I could do in the future. I decided to join Active Duty because there isn't anything here for me as a civilian.
Since August, I have been hell bent on being the best I can be. I have never worked so hard in my life to forge myself into something I wasn't just one year ago. The second Future Soldier training I went to was a APFT. I decided to go for it to see where I stood. It didn't go so well. I didn't pass any of the events, and the closest I got was halfway meeting the sit-ups requirement. This was a wakeup call. I worked hard after that test and when the next one came around I managed to pass 2/3 of the events. My pushups were off by approximately 10. Going for the next APFT, I passed it. Looking at the APFT as of now, I'm just trying to max it and I'm getting pretty close.
That was just physical part. I'm still in high school and I'm passing all my courses. I'm good to graduate and all, but I haven't put nearly as much effort into school as I have learning what is expected of me as a soldier going into basic training. Now I can safely say that I know all of the ranks and alphabet. The general orders are a breeze. I know The Soldiers Creed by heart. Land navigation is really fun to do. Drill & Ceremony and Marching is fun to practice. Battle Drills are amazing, though we've only had one session of that, and wedge formation. I still know every bit that was taught to me.
Overall, the Army has changed this lazy, good for nothing kid into someone who now has absolute motivation. I cannot think of another choice that would have benefited me as much as this choice. I can't wait to leave in July. Hooah!
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