Thursday, August 11, 2011

Future Soldier Toreon Rafter

PFC. Toreon R. Rafter aka The Ghost

31 Bravo - Military Police

Well All of my life I've been living for the moment; never thinking about the future.. just doing everything for me and only me. That's what society has made me believe is the only way to get by in this world. But, in actuality that's not the real me. I like to help others and I'm a protector at heart. Not the reckless hooligan that my past would lead people to believe. The United States Army will allow the real me to come out and shine.. Assist Protect and Defend is the Military Police motto and that fits me perfect. The U.S. Army will allow me to build a great future for myself and my future family that I could not achieve as a civilian. I LOVE YOU US ARMY! HOOAH!

I am most excited about the bond and the relationships that I will make with my fellow soldiers while I'm going through BCT and AIT.. Those Bonds, Friendships and Relationships will last forever because of what we've been through together and how we've made our fellow Soldiers and Drill Sergeants proud.. United We Stand!

Only thing I'm nervous about is not making my unit/fellow soldiers proud. I will give 100% at all times and never quit. I just hope that its good enough to make my squad proud.

With my last words I just want to say.. I Am An American Soldier, I am a Warrior and a Member of a Team.. HOOAH!

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