Monday, August 29, 2011

Guarding the Tomb of Unknown Soldier

Hurricane Irene is hitting the East Coast of the United States, and is major cities are being affected.  Washington D.C. is among the cities being affected by the hurricane and earlier last week also had an earthquake.  In Washington D.C. lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier which is manned by the Old Guard and have never missed a day since April 6, 1949.  Through Hurricane Isabel in 2003, and the blizzards in 2009-2010 which shut down the Washington D.C. area for days the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers remained manned. 
Hurricane Irene is no different.  The Old Guard remained at the Tomb through Irene’s heavy rain and high winds.  These Soldiers stood guard and didn’t let the elements affect their duties.  These Soldiers are a fine example of living the Soldier’s Creed, and the Army Values. (RL)

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