Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Military Intelligence

Hey Future Soldiers!  When I enlisted in 2004 I enlisted as then a 96B Intelligence Analyst which is a 35F now.  You will learn all sorts of stuff.  You will learn a lot about maps, more than you ever thought.  You will learn how to spot choke points, where to set up LP/OP’s (Listening Post/Observation Post), where to put equipment/weapons for best use.  If you are a 35F a map will be your best friend, lol.  There are many courses that you can attend as a 35F to better do your job.  After 35F I changed over to 35P Cryptologic Linguist.  Cryptologic Linguist was the perfect fit for me.  I have to work a little harder at this job but I think it is more fun because I have to try to find the signal.
Every job in the MI field is very important for the big picture.  There is not one MI job that is more important than the other. They are all important to accomplish the mission. (RL)

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